Justin P. Drew: Biography + Videos

Justin P. Drew is a young, brand spankin' new comedian from Maine. He currently lives and works in Brighton, Massachusetts. He is the oldest of seven children.

In his short comedy career, he has performed in over a half-dozen venues from Portland, Maine, to Concord and Portsmouth, NH, to Boston, MA. He has been very funny in nearly all of them.

Justin was born on April 1st, 1988. Twenty-two years later to the day, he made it to the semifinals in The Portland's Funniest Professional Competition at the Comedy Connection in Portland, Maine, which is the most significant thing to happen to him yet.

Here's what professionals have said about Justin:

"One of the funniest and most energetic new comics coming out of Boston right now, this guy is going to bring a show to YOU!"

"[He's] got energy to the point of being scary... and good material to match."

-Jay Grove, stand up comedian, host of Punchlines @ Penuche's

 "One of my favorite new Boston comics."

-Rob Crean, stand up comedian, host of The Gas, former host of The Rob Crean Show

Here are videos of Justin performing.

This set happened on July 20th, 2010 @ Roggies in Brighton, Mass. It was black people approved.

If you want to ask Justin a question, book him, or spam the shit out of him, email JUSTINPDREW at AOL dot COM, Facebook, or tweet at him on Twitter.

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